Wednesday, October 10, 2007

jusT let me cRy ...i jusT wanna crY 2nigHt...I JUst wanna see my smile become one wi9 my tears and i just wanna feel a freedOm that nothing else in this world can give to me..a freedOm that makes me see the world with magIc blue eyes...i dOnt care if people dont understand what i mean ,i donT waNt even anyone read this ...cause this is fOr express HoW i feel 2night...
secrEt dOors have opened..and magic keys are given to me...but why i always see the bottom and never the sky?and why when i see my sky ,clouds overshadow it and obscure the sun?i live in a maze of regulations but i use to rename this as a paradise...but its a real paradise only when y are by my side..i know im living in a labyrinth and even though i know where is the exit i make my path even and even more difficult...more gnarled...hey you facE up..yes always smiling,always bLa bLa bLa ...i dont know why all this happens to me 2night and i dont know cause i dont have a reason just...
need To feel,need to escape,need to freeze every fuCkn mOment that makes me happy,every little thing connected wi9 y so that you wll never take it away frM me that i will always remember that the times i cried for you and i wll cry,y deserved and y wll deserve it... dont know what they mean to me...
....tears..... broken...searching why..i dont know why...just because...being afraid..cut wings..afraid of dreams torn to pieces,broken like glass...afraid of hope faded away....something that numbs my pain...look at soul is screaming ..never try understand this cause even though me dont know why disappeared into the air like death and appears again like stars...smell my fragrance...cant y see?it smells yr body..your smells you...nothing less..
for these times that i feel worn out and i dont know why ,i need you by my side...
cause you're my everything....

there's nO reasOn for all this rain...
smthn in the air tonight doesnt let me calm,maybe its this fCkN sOng...
im sorry for what you send me tonight and if i dont understand sorry if i influence you without wanting's time for my sorry....
dont wanna see my face right now...
dont walk away i need you, i love you,you are holding my life...

written by mR. kaGElwnis. AFTER .

allwste pws einai dynaton na psixologiseis ena atomo pou matwnei mia fora ton mina xwris na pethainei?


Anonymous said...

It was rather interesting for me to read this article. Thank you for it. I like such themes and everything that is connected to this matter. I definitely want to read a bit more on that blog soon.

Anonymous said...

It is extremely interesting for me to read this blog. Thanks for it. I like such themes and everything that is connected to them. I definitely want to read a bit more soon.

Anonymous said...

Keep on posting such themes. I like to read articles like that. By the way add more pics :)